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Remembering may be the healthiest way to heal

If you have found this page, chances are that you have had a miscarriage or are in the midst of one. We are so, so sorry for the loss of your child. It breaks our hearts that anyone would need this information, but we know that in reality, many parents are experiencing this pain every day and have many questions.

“You formed my inmost being;

you knit me in my mother’s womb.

I praise you, because I am wonderfully made;

wonderful are your works!

My very self you know.

My bones are not hidden from you.

When I was being made in secret,

fashioned in the depths of the earth,

Your eyes saw me unformed;

in your book all are written down;

my days were shaped, before one came to be.”


Psalm 139:13-16

Don't walk through miscarriage alone

There are different ways to do so, some that are incredibly personal and private and others that allow friends and loved ones to share in the loss. Here are some simple ideas that may help:


Name Your Baby

Many women find that giving the baby a name or even hold a naming ceremony, helps them find closure by allowing them to acknowledge the loss of a baby rather than an idea. If you were too early along in pregnancy to know if you had a girl or boy, choose the name to represents how you see the child. We can assist in providing a Certificate of Life in memory of your baby. Contact us to see our full designs.


Wear or Make Memorial Jewellery

There are countless online retailers that sell beautiful, handmade memorial jewellery, such as rings or pendants with angels and footprint themes. Many of these jewellers are mothers who have experienced pregnancy loss themselves. If you are artistically inclined, you could make your own memorial jewellery with beads that spell out the child's name.


Write About Your Baby

As difficult as the process can be, writing your feelings out on paper can be a remarkably cathartic and healing experience. Writing in a journal is like confiding in a friend who will never judge you. You may also want to start a blog or an online memorial page to share your insights with others who may be going through the same loss or want to share in your loss.


Plant a Memorial Tree or Garden

Planting a tree or garden is a wonderful and lasting way to memorialise a lost child. Some mothers like to plant a tree on the anniversary of the miscarriage or on the due date of the pregnancy.


Order a Memorial Plaque

If you have a good ultrasound photo of your baby, you may want to scan the image and order a memorial plaque or another type of keepsake, such as an engraved crystal, to honour your baby. You could even name a star after your child.


Get a Special Teddy Bear or Pillow

Many mothers long for something to hold after losing a baby to miscarriage. You may find it comforting to get a special teddy bear or a custom embroidered pillow or blanket to keep close to you as you grieve.


Seek counselling

Dealing with a loss can be different for each person. Sometimes we just need to talk to someone that may be a family member or friend or outside help. If you would like to speak to a counsellor please contact us on 02 8776 1667


Donate to a Charitable Organisation

There are a number of wonderful charities and organisations whose mission it is to increase awareness about pregnancy loss and to support couples dealing with a miscarriage or stillbirth.


Offering a Mass or religious services

If you have faith, you may want to reach out to your Priest/pastor to have a Mass or service said for your baby. You could also reach out to the community for prayers. It can be hard to discuss your loss with others however, many people have lost a child and it can help get the support from others.  

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